'Niantic'에 해당되는 글 1건

닌텐도가 niantic을 30~40%이상 갖고 있으려나?

그리고, watch 등 다른 것을 더 만들어서 팔 수도 있겠다.


Nintendo may profit as a part-owner of Niantic, and Nintendo is also a 32%-owner of Pokémon Co.


he following month, Niantic announced Google, Nintendo, and The Pokémon Company would invest $30 million ($20 million upfront with an additional $10 million conditioned upon the company achieving certain milestones[23])


Nintendo owns the brand rights to the Pokémon franchise, but the game was developed by Niantic Labs, a spinoff of Google, and the Pokémon Company, an equity affiliate in which Nintendo owns 32%.


Tokyo-based Pokémon Co., in which Nintendo owns a 32% stake, and San Francisco-based Niantic Inc. Nintendo and Pokémon Co. both own undisclosed stakes in Niantic.

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기본에 충실하는 19식 재테크. 교과서 중심으로 공부했어요.
